For Shell's birthday, we got her a spa package and planned back in March to take the boys for an entire weekend. We thought it would be a better gift than pretty much anything else and she is such a busy bee that we knew some downtime would be welcomed. So this past weekend was the first time that we could fit it in with my travel schedule and Josh's work schedule. We got the boys on Friday night and had them until after church on Sunday. We had so much fun, but we definitely both zonked after church!! We were worn out!!!

So Luke and Kowe were excited for some visitors and they decided they needed to get groomed. Here is Lukey and as you can tell, he's a little unsure of what to expect.

Kowe Sue wasn't worried at all. She was ready to play and listened to the rules well. Aren't her little bows cute? Yeah, they only lasted about two hours...

So Friday night, I made homemade chocolate chip pancakes and after a trip to the neighborhood park, we built a tent for Griff and I to sleep in. They had a lot of fun building it with Uncle Josh.

Griff in the finished product.

We love our Uncle Josh!! The boys love playing with him. Things haven't changed, we still believe that I will be the disciplinarian in this family and Josh will be the fun one. Lucky me. That's okay though, it's still fun to see how much they adore him.

But I got to be the fun one while Josh helped some friends move on Saturday. I took the boys to the zoo to see the animals and to the park to play. It was pretty cold so we just visited for a bit, but Griff was sure to give us our fill of the neighborhood park TWO more times that day. He loves it.
Here is Linc with a goat. There were babies there who were born 4 days earlier and he loooved them. He laughed and laughed!

Then Griff wanted to inspect the sleeper.
And we got to pet the tiny pony. Just their size!

We (and by we, I mean Josh, me and the dogs...not the boys!) were exhausted by the end of the day! We had such a full day of playing and the Kowe was up all night worrying about Linc who was in the office in his pack & play, so she didn't get much sleep. But she was such a cute little mommy. Then Saturday night, she slept with Griff and I in the tent and she was SO good. She literally did not move from this position ALL night. And Griff had his arm around her for hours. Normally she is a little grumpy when she's in bed and doesn't like to be moved or jostled, but let me tell you that he is a BEDHOG and he wollers, but Kowe didn't mind one bit. It made us feel really good about the fact that we might someday have a permanent sleeping buddy for her.
We can't wait until we get them again! I'm sure Shell and Dan will welcome it, too!!