Jessica and Fritz's Wedding

Posted by Christina at 11:22 PM
Posted by Christina at 11:52 PM
Posted by Christina at 11:22 PM
And here is Josh at the campsite
Here is Ronnie's big catch
And here is Josh's!! I think he probably needed some help reeling that one in!!
Here is a pic of Josh snoozin. Those are what I'd call some major tan lines!
Here is some evidence that the racoons left behind. I guess they like Life Savers hard candies.
And here are the cute little beasts! They heard them fighting at night and they got into their latched cooler. Smart little fellas. Looks like they sure do like watermelon!
I tried to get one of the fire but it won't upload. But it wouldn't be a camping trip without the campfire! It was impressive indeed.
Posted by Christina at 11:41 PM
Posted by Christina at 11:47 PM
Posted by Christina at 7:48 PM
Posted by Christina at 7:25 PM
...and his name may very well be Jeremy! Thank heavens, we have a genius among us!! Jeremy was able to save our pics, so we will be able to get everything for the videographer!!!! We have been trying to figure out what we were going to do, but now it looks like everything is going to work out just fine! Thanks Jeremy!!!!
As for the lack of updates, our upstairs computer is still acting funny, so it's really hard to get into blogger to do anything. I'm going to attempt another post or two tonight, but we'll see how it goes!
I'm a lonely girl for the next two days. Today Josh and his dad left for the lake to go fishing and camping. I just talked to them and Josh caught the first fish! And he's feeling crispy! But my sister, cousin, and all of their families left today as well for the house boat down in Kentucky. Originally, Josh and I were going to go also, but with the new job and having to take lots of time off for our wedding, honeymoon and Jess' wedding, I wouldn't think of asking for another weekend! So it's just me and Kowe in the house all alone! :( I think we'll survive, and I'm getting LOTS of wedding stuff done!
Posted by Christina at 7:13 PM
Posted by Christina at 9:54 AM