As a little background, my sister's doctor will only typically do one ultrasound. He's a stickler. We had one back before Christmas, but the baby wouldn't cooperate. So Shell and Dan convinced Dr. McQuaig to do another one, but he said it would be in the spring. Well, we decided we couldn't wait, so we went today to Indy and got a 4-D Ultrasound, where you can see the baby and it's features. It was by far (with the exception of seeing Griffin born) the most amazing thing I have ever seen!!'s a BOY! Another nephew for us!! And the funny thing is, he looks *identical* to Griff! So he's going to be absolutely adorable! We could see him rooting and swallowing and even sticking his little tongue out! They gave them a CD and a tape and lots of pictures, so I may add more, but this is the one I brought home.
Josh was a little freaked out by the eyes. The pic is of his profile, and you can see his ear in the upper left, with his eyes, his nose, and his lips look like they are kissing his little muscle! That's his arm stretched over his face. He's a showoff like his daddy already!!

Now we're even more anxious to meet him!